Understanding University Admission Standards in Pakistan

The criteria of admission in universities of Pakistan is very competitive and selective. Therefore one has to keep in mind that his or her application will receive a thorough review from admissions professionals by using a holistic process. There are various things which will be considered by admission officials which include your performance in rigorous course work, essays, and standardized test scores, extracurricular activities and letter of recommendation from an academic source. These requirements vary from university to university. Generally, university officials are looking for sustained involvement in activities in or out of college, community involvements, research or special talent which you will bring to any university. 
Here are some tips which can help you understand the admission standards in Pakistan. In case if you have any queries, you need to contact the particular university.

  • Be a Part of Our Mailing List: 
First of all, join the mailing list of Pakistani universities. This will help you find about the application deadlines, information about visiting campus and to get the latest announcements from the Office of Admission.
  • Share Your Email Address: 
Give your correct email address on file which can serve as an important reminder. The university also delivers notification by email when your admission decision is available. The admission office of universities communicates directly with applicants throughout the admission process. They make parents and families involved in the program to get information about the university.
  • Keep Track of Your Deadlines: 
It is important to keep track of your admission deadlines and make sure that documents reach for submission in a timely manner. Any application submitted in a timely manner will be reviewed carefully. So work on your documents, according to a plan. If the relevant material is not submitted in a timely manner, your application may not be given any consideration.
  • Develop a Unique Style of Writing an Essay:  
You need to write an essay which says a lot about you. It reflects your persona and your aims to accomplish as part of the university community.  The universities need to know your unique story beyond your GPA and test scores. Your essays can be used for campus program and scholarship review. 
The admission officials need to know about:
·         What you learned from your success and challenges and how will this influence you as you pursue your university education?
·         Why would you like to attend a particular university?
·         What is your academic interest?
It is important to develop your thoughts early before the writing process, keep a 650 word limit and work on your draft consistently. Check for spelling mistakes and ask someone to proofread your final version. Be honest in your writing.
  • Transcripts and Test Scores Submission: 
When you apply to any university, they require official transcripts of school and college. Those students who are applying for fall will be reminded in spring about submitting their trimester grades.  Similarly, it is also important for applicants to submit their test scores on time. International applicants have to submit their TOFEL or IELTS score.
  • Letter of Recommendation: 
The admission office of universities require you to submit a letter of recommendation written by someone who can attest your academic ability, such as a teacher, faculty member, school counselor, or advisor.
  • Acknowledgment Response from University: 
Once the university has received your application for admission, the university will send your application acknowledgment email with instructions on how to monitor the status of your application.
  • Stay Informed: 
The university admission officials are there to help you through the process and welcome you to call or email. Students can reach out to university on Facebook or Twitter for any query.
These tips define general criteria for defining admission standards in Pakistan. 

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